Sunday, May 13, 2012

Don't Hate, Celebrate

Happy Mother's Day, friends!

I hope you are all having a great weekend. Ours has been jam-packed with "distract Paris" activities.  Dr. Love and I spent the weekend watching, not one but, two movies, had a long Saturday lunch by the beach, bought a much needed coffee table, and even considered buying a puppy.  Seriously, for the sole purpose of cheering me up on Mother's Day weekend, Dr. Love considered buying me a puppy. Thankfully, we both agreed to put the puppy talk on hold until we have more reasonable (and mature) motives for getting one.

Why was Dr. Love trying to distract me so much? Well, you see, ever since my mom passed away in 2003, I have hated Mother's Day. I hate hated the commercials, I hate hated when people asked me what my Mother's Day plans were, and most of all, I hate hated that everyone got to hang out with their mom and celebrate her awesomeness while I sat around and cried about how much I longed to have mine near. Friends, I'm writing in the past tense, because I think that I'm finally ready to not hate Mother's Day.

To be honest, if my positive, happy mom had a clue about what a miserable mess I was every time I missed her, and especially on Mother's Day, she would be very upset with me. In fact, I specifically remember her telling me shortly after my grandmother (her mom) had passed away that our loved ones who have passed suffer when we suffer and that it is our duty to continue living happy lives and to remember them with joy. I also remember my mom's favorite poem/prayer/quote by Reinhold Niebuhr that she loved so much that she set it as her computer's screen saver, pinned it above her lab bench at work, and put it on our refrigerator door:  "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference."

This Mother's Day, I am taking my mom's advice, and the words of the prayer she loved so much, to heart. The truth is, this is the reality of life...there are so many joys, and so many pains. I am choosing to focus on the joys of today rather than the pains of a tomorrow that I cannot change. And boy are there plenty of joys this week!!!

For one, I'd like to wish my wonderful cousin, Sahi, a fabulous 19th birthday! She has been the cutest bundle of joy from the start and I love her to bits!!!

 From cute baby (1993)... life-size Barbie!!! (2011)

I would be remiss if I didn't also take this opportunity to congratulate my brother's three best friends, I-Man, R-to-the-D, and Who-the-Man, on their graduations!!! These three guys are the best and I am so proud of all of them, not just for their academic accomplishments, but also for being such wonderful people!

Finally, I am sooooooooo excited that one of my best friends, Kaka, got engaged to her lover man, Dr. Ray, last week!!!!! I love them both so much and am so happy for them! By the way, I'm not sure if this world will have ever seen a bride as beautiful as Kaka will be on her big day...I mean, look at the girl...she's gorgeous!!!! Can't wait to see her this week and give her a big squeeze!

Second finally (yeah, I just did that), I want to wish all of the wonderful mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day! A special Happy Mother's Day to my mom.  Thank you for all that you taught me and for your continued guidance...I love you!

 Smiles for miles...

Third and last finally (yes, I'm really "third and last finally-ing" you...I'm "wizard of the first order" cool like that...recognize), I'd love to hear from you.  What is the best advice your mom ever gave you? 

1 comment:

  1. Tears just ran down my eyes - what a great post <3 XO!

    Happy Mother's day to all the mom's out there.....congrats to Iman and Ardy....Happy Birthday to our beautiful Saharnaz....and big congrats to Sorraya and Reza!

    Best Advice Roses has given me: Try to enjoy every minute of your life!

    LOVE YOU Paris joonam!
