Thursday, July 19, 2012

Summa' Summa' Summa' Tiiiiiime

Holy crap, it's hot outside...and I love it!!!

I just love the summer time. Even now that I'm a grown-up (lame), I get so excited about the summer. All I want to do is enjoy the sun with my family and friends.

As you all know, I wasn't able to enjoy the sun for quite some time now (note: deep chemical peels are probably less of a hassle in the winter), but this weekend officially marks the first weekend when I can safely spend time in the sun (with a huge hat and sunscreen on, of course). So, in celebration I'm having a "coming out" party this weekend! Woohoo!!!! Don't get too excited though, it's not that kind of coming out, nor is it really a party. It's more of a weekend surrounded by some great friends and family.

The friends start rolling in tonight, starting with my friend from law school, Mario, who is visiting from Chicago. Then tomorrow night, L.E.Robins, Bro-Yo, and Dr. Love's cousin, Justinian, arrive in preparation for Saturday's beach day and bbq with a number of other friends. I'm pretty excited about some old school fun in the sun with some of my favorites. (Side note: Dr. Love and I both have winter birthdays, and I have been telling him for years now that we better calendar baby-making out so that we end up with summer babies, 'cuz this lady likes planning summa' parties!)

In light of the many visitors that we will be entertaining this weekend, I don't think I'm going to get a chance to post again this week, but I promise lots of good pics and deets next week.

In the meantime, here are some summer beauties growing in our patio and outside our front door...

 Sweet Basil

 Snap Dragon
Forgot the name of these flowers :( (Anyone know what they are called?)

Beautiful tree right outside our front door.

Love the leaves on the tree.

And last but definitely not least, remember this guy?! Yes, that is our peach tree. No fruit yet (and none expected this year), but it is a happy, growing tree. I need to re-plant it in a much bigger pot soon, though, and I think that I need to insert some support beams for the branches.

Have a great Friday tomorrow and a wonderful weekend!


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