Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What You Caulking About?! Part Three

Hi friends!

As my dear friend Ili suggested, this post should actually be titled "Caulk Off!" 

Why you ask? Well, because after over a month of not using our master bath while Dr. Love removed existing caulk/silicone, prepped the area, and then attempted to re-caulk the tub, the frustrating end result is that this DIY project was a "Paris Tries" failure.

How so? Well, to start off, I delegated most of the work to Dr. Love. The blog is called Paris Tries, but sometimes Paris makes Dr. Love try...much to his dismay :).  When Dr. Love got to the re-caulking step and attempted to use the prescribed application tool, the thing was ridiculously impossible to use and wasn't producing smooth looking results. By the end of the afternoon, Dr. Love was so over it and concluded that it made more sense to call in the pros.

The cost estimates I received back from the pros ranged from $45 for full job (labor and materials) to about $150/hour for labor, not including materials. The $45 guys got the gig, came in, did the job in an hour and everything seemed perfect...UNTIL.... My friends, this a true example of a DIY turned "bring-the-pros-in" turned never-ending project. Everything seemed fine, until Dr. Love took a shower in the tub and noticed that the caulk was splitting from the tub edges...that is bad news because it makes a home for bad things like mold, bleckh.

Long story short, the pros are coming back out this Friday, they are bringing a lot more caulk (they say the sides of our tubs are super deep), and they have graciously offered to re-do the entire thing for free. We insisted on paying them for the re-do (I mean it's $45, I don't even know how they make money off of this), but they refused and said that they want to give it another go to ensure that we are happy with the results. I'll let you know how the re-do goes...if all ends well, I will gladly share the name of the the company we used! If not, I'd rather not disparage them publicly :). After all, they have been extremely kind, professional, and accommodating. 

Lesson of the day: Even pros can have caulk problems...

On an entirely different note, Dr. Love and I went out to dinner on Sunday and it was the first (and only, thus far) day that I put makeup on my post-chem-peel face (pic below). I had on the thinnest layer of mineral powder I have ever put on my face (I use Priori CoffeeBerry and love it), a bit of bronzer, zero concealer, mascara, and lip gloss...seriously minimal summer makeup...and I felt fresh and great! Less makeup = happy Paris :)  Looks like the procedure pain, zombie face-melting, allergic reaction, and subsequent itch/burn was all worth it...round 2 in 3-4 months....

Hope you guys have a great rest of your day and are enjoying your summer!


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