Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm Still Standing...Yeah, Yeah, Yeah (Part Four)

Just barely standing, friends, just barely...

[NOTE: Please take pity on me if you see any grammar mistakes/'s hard to type well when all the nerve endings on your face are blowing up...]

Status Update:

PAIN: HOLY MOLY I'm itching like a crazy person!  As I mentioned in earlier posts, my derm had mentioned that slight itching/discomfort were expected during the peeling phase of this process. In order to help with that issue, on Friday he prescribed me a topical anti-inflammatory cream. We both assumed that the cream would put an end to the itching, but boy were we wrong!  Unfortunately, we chose the weekend to be wrong, so by the time the itching really got bad for me, Dr. Love and I were already two hours away at my in-laws' house to spend the Father's Day weekend with them. When we got to my in-laws' house on Saturday night, my face was itching/burning like crazy, but I assumed it was just because the skin was so raw and that the cream would kick in soon enough. [A special shout-out to my in-laws and Dr. Love for sun-proofing every single window in their house so that I could sit anywhere in the house without a hat on...I love you all.] However, by Sunday morning, after an entire night of no sleep and major itching and burning, it became painfully obvious that something was up. As soon as I looked in the mirror on Sunday morning, I noticed a bright, red rash developing on both sides of my neck. The rash had not been there the day before and was also developing in an area outside of the chemical peel application zone. Luckily, I had my derm's cell phone number on me (he had graciously offered it to me in case of a weekend emergency) and I didn't hesitate to call him about the rash. After asking about the intensity of my discomfort/itching and the development of my rash, he quickly concluded that I was experiencing an allergic reaction to the anti-Bacterial medication he had prescribed me. While an allergy to the medication was not common, he was aware that it existed and told me to stop taking it immediately. He asked that I go into the office this morning for him to confirm in person and for him to write me a prescription for a different anti-Bacterial.

DISCOMFORT/SLEEP: I did not sleep a wink last night due to all the itching and burning and started to develop small patches of rashes all over my body as the night went on. The itching was so painful and uncomfortable that I spent the night pacing our upstairs hall and bedroom and finally succumbed to tears. I spent a good thirty minutes crying like a baby in the bathroom, all the while trying to keep my salty tears from making contact with my raw, inflamed skin. I don't know if it was the exhaustion, the burning/itching, or the self-pity that did me in, but I simply could not keep the tears in. By the time I had cried my eyes out, it was 5:15 am. At that point, I could on longer avoid waking Dr. Love up because I had no idea how to make myself feel any better. Poor sleepy hubby got up like a pro, inspected my rashes, and pulled out his laptop to do some internet research and cancel all of his Monday meetings. Of course, all the research pointed to the same diagnosis, I was suffering from a drug allergy, and we concluded that I would need to just find a way to cope until my derm's office opened in the morning. Dr. Love convinced me to down a bunch of water, and by 7am that had provided me with enough comfort that I was able to lay down and dose in and out of sleep for the next 3 hours (waking up periodically to drink more water). Basically, it was a night of no/very little sleep for both of us. What little sleep I did get I owe to my Dr. Love...

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY/ANTI-BACTERIAL PRECAUTIONS: After my check-up this morning, my derm confirmed the allergy, prescribed a new anti-bacterial, upped my anti-inflammatory, prescribed me more Valium to help me sleep, and told me that, while what I was experiencing was very painful/uncomfortable, it would go away in the next two day. He also assured me that, while the allergy had left a rash/rawness all across my face, the end product of the peel would not be adversely affected by the allergy, except for the obvious fact that my recovery time has been extended by a week. Therefore, my one week of peeling and being trapped in-doors has now been extended to two weeks.

SPIRIT: Last night, while I was weeping for my burning face, my lack of sleep, and my itchy body, I couldn't help but think about those friends and family that suffer from real diseases every day. All I could think about was how many nights they stayed awake roaming the halls of their homes, crying and hoping that the could get some comfort and sleep. While I wish I hadn't had this allergic reaction, and while I cursed myself for undergoing this chemical peel all night while in the midst of my agony, I kept reminding myself that I have it pretty damn good. I have a non-life threatening allergic reaction a medication that I'm taking because I elected to undergo a cosmetic procedure to improve the look and appearance of my skin. Come on now, friends, let's get real...I may be itching like hell, but what I'm going through is anything but. As always, feeling blessed and thankful for all of the lovely family, friends, and docs I have around me...and especially feeling thankful for my sleep-deprived, yet still dashingly handsome, Dr. Love.

Now for some brother-in-law was wise enough to remind me to take a few "in-the-moment of pain and agony" pics for you guys. Enjoy!

 Day 8: Slight itching has set in, but still no idea about allergy. Heavy peeling underway.
 Day 9 Morning: Peeling heavily and itching more.
 Day 9: Afternoon: Gone through a lot of peeling, and experiencing increase in swelling and itching.
 Day 10 (Father's Day at in-laws' house): Really feeling the itching/burning.
 Day 10 (Father's Day at in-laws' house): Rash has formed on neck, and most of top layer of skin has peeled, leaving behind a bright red, raw, rash covered surface.
 Day 11 (this morning before doc visit and 24 hours since last dose of drug I am experiencing allergy to): Face is swollen, red, burning. I look like crap from no sleep and lots of discomfort.
  Day 11 (this morning before doc visit and 24 hours since last dose of drug I am experiencing allergy to): Neck rash still very visible and itchy.
  Day 11: Thigh rash.
 Day 11: Ankle rash.

So, while the plan was to be done with these chem peel posts by early this week, it appears that the saga continues for a bit longer.  I am expected to be itch/rash free by Wednesday and normal-looking by Friday, fingers crossed. Will keep you guys posted on any further developments, such as the one about this anti-med girl counting down the hours until she gets to pop a Valium pill tonight and get some unexpected development, indeed!


UPDATE: Slept like a newborn baby (got up a few times for restroom, Vaseline application) last night, thanks to the Valium. The med I was allergic to appears to be leaving my system, as my body rashes are minimizing and my level of itchiness, swelling, and redness has gone down substantially.  Shout-out to my derm for knowing his science and acting quickly!

Thanks for all of the love and concern, friends!



  1. Dang Paris! You are a trouper. Also, sound like you just gave birth and are living through the first week of parenting! Girl, you are ready to be a Mommy. Keep up your fantastic attitude. You are amazing.

    We miss you!!! Leila and Cyrus are asking if we can rent a house in SD next summer for the whole summer! I like that idea.

  2. Haha, love you guys!

    Funny you mention giving derm said that many of his chem peel patients have said that birth was easier. With my allergic reaction and subsequent agony added to the mix, I feel so much more confident about being able to survive child-birth :). Let's just thank God that I don't have to worry about that for a while!

    Yes, yes, yes to the summer in SD!!! x

  3. I think they just want to move in with you really.

  4. I'll take them in a heartbeat!!!
